color of the month- Think Spring!

So we’ve had a couple of what feels like balmy days here in MI, and by that I mean 40 something. The snow has greatly melted, yeah yeah, I know it’s a teaser and there’s more winter on the way but I’m totally falling for it! I’m dying to get outside and start gardening, stat! So with that in mind this month is all about green! I can’t wait to see my little green planty friends poking through the ground, oh how I’ve missed you! Want to get your hands on some vintage green goodies? Go to my shop and search the word “green” and you’ll find some of the things below! Then head on over to artgoodies for your own nest towel!

Fave vintage pieces: the green handled beaters, the dancing drink tea towel, the water/juice glass jar, and the mini pyrex! Plus the ivy graphics on those glasses are fresh and bold!


I couldn't wait to do a table setting so I could use my new vintage green polka dot napkins! Plus this vintage tablecloth is a great reminder of sunshiney days at the beach! Of course throw in a tray, some melmac, and an artgoodies nest towel and voila! A perfect reminder that Spring is on the way...eventually!


Helpful Hint- can I get a side O’ Mayo???

Okay, so this is just too good and too strange not to share. A few months back I was complaining to my dad about the water marks and scratches left on the top of my vintage console radio. Some of them had been there for years, and some of them new from a plant whose leaves had dripped! UGH! My dad, clever as ever, remembered a trick they used to use in college. Wait for it….mayo! Really? MAYO- as in would you like some mayo on your sandwich? YES! Really? I had to see this for myself!! The other night I was looking at my vintage hutch and though yes, the perfect opportunity to test it out again. Below you will find the before and after. There are different instructions online but I simply wiped the mayo on and rubbed a second and voila! It works, and it is amazing! I still can’t believe it. I’ve used it on my coffee table, and even a bad scratch in my wood floor! It’s a vintage miracle! Can I get an AMEN!

BEFORE. I wasn't sure if it would work, I mean look at that serious scraping action on the left- eek!

AFTER- Holy crap! It's gone! Almost all the other little dings and scratches have disappeared!


Retro Mod Madness!

I’m SO excited to introduce another NEW artgoodies all over pattern towel! My hand carved linocut, inspired by an old school plastic doily, has been made into an all over pattern that has both a retro and modern feel!

Even though it's winter, this towel screams breath of fresh Spring air! Ahhhh, just what the doctor ordered! There are 3 different doily sizes on this patterned towel!

This sham accent pillow will give your home a fresh look! So add it to your couch, chair, bed, or take it with you! My sham accent pillows make the perfect travel pillow!


Blizzard Blast 2011

At times like these I am ever so thankful to be safely snuggled up in my nice cozy warm house. And for having a snow removal service, seriously.  The wind was howling and the snow was coming down fast and furious, I awoke to the sound of shovels and snowblowers. Again, so thankful that my work was here at home a short trip down the steps.

After the storm the sun started shining and you could really see how much snow was in the road! All day neighbors tried to dig their way out and get to work. Every single one of them got stuck! Fortunately my neighbors are great and everyone was helping dig, push, and shovel their way out. One of my neighbors even shoveled my steps for me!

My house the day after. The streets, sidewalk, and driveway have been plowed and the sun shining again is making for some insane icicles! The radio said we had 16 inches, sure seemed more like 20 but either way it was a bunch!


Hiya Cupcake, almost Valentine’s!

Finally some time to work on some new things! Now available in shop the NEW all over cupcake and heart towels and sham pillows! A perfectly sweet treat for anyone on your list of loves.

4 different deliciously cute cupcakes make a pattern on my NEW artgoodies towel! 4 dozen cupcake in all make for a great gift for anyone on your list, or grab one for yourself, afterall don't you deserve a sweet treat!

Perfect for Valentine's or any day you need a little extra love! 40 doily hearts provide plenty of ooey gooey goodness on my NEW artgoodies pattern towel! Grab one today and send it to someone you love near or far!


Pair my NEW towels together and you get an extra sweet treat! Perfect for your darling, your mom, sister, aunt, well anyone really! A great way to remind someone you love them with a practical gift!

Use them individually as an accent pillow on your couch, chair, or bed! Or pair them together for a great look! Plus artgoodies accent pillows are just the right size for a travel pillow just in case you are a girl on the go like me! I love to travel with my own pillow to ensure sweet dreams on the road!

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