A great getaway!

I had the opportunity to head to Nevada for some fun and sun and fresh air. I thought I’d share some pics of Red Rock Canyon which is just a short drive from Las Vegas and a great change of pace for part of a day. I highly reccommend a little day trip! The welcome center at the canyon was amazing! Full of great info, sculptures, and the scenic 13 mile drive was astounding! Make sure to pack some sturdy shoes conducive to a little rock climbing and hiking!

What an amazing drive and view!


The red rocks were amazing. Spring plants were blooming in the desert too! Yellow, orange, red, purple, what a sight!

We even spotted some wild burrows just outside of Bonnie Springs. We stopped to have a look see and one of them came over and scratched it's head on our car mirror! And look at that cute little baby donkey! Hee haw hee haw!

Ahh, fresh desert air.

I can't even believe this picture. Stunning. And I snapped it from a moving car, seriously.


Here's one from Bonnie Springs, what an interesting place. This looks fake to me. How beautiful!

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