Wow, what a week. Feels great to finally be back home! I thought I would have time to post pics during the show but I was too exhausted at the end of the day. We set up Thurs which meant 9 hours of unloading the truck and merchandising our store on the road. Speaking of the truck, Mr. Truck was a little cranky on the trip. We went out to leave for opening day and it wouldn’t start. I called a cab, then a super duper nice couple from
Chic Unique let us hitch a ride with them. Then we hitched a ride back to the hotel with
Emma Lou Vintage who were gracious enough to offer us a ride back to the show in the morning. Then, Vintage Chic gave us a ride to our truck at the shop. We are so thankful to have been surrounded by super nice and helpful folks. We can’t thank them enough for helping us out!

This is what our booth looked like at the end of setup day. Still a bit of work to do but working by flashlight wasn't happening. Sleep needed here.

Friday night we got Mr. Truck towed to a nearby shop. Bummertown.

The truck is fixed! Wait a minute, after dinner it stalled on us. Lisa B. mobile mechanic to the rescue here. These are the kind of gals I like to roll with. The truck seemed to start fine most of the rest of the time and we were able to pack it up and get outta there. However, on the way up North in Michigan to reset a booth in Elk Rapids we discovered a leak. Turns out it was brake fluid. We spent 4 hours at the truck mechanic shop getting the master brake line redone. I said goodbye to Lisa B probably 4 times as the truck started and stalled on the way out of my driveway. I was much relieved to know she made it back home last night. You never know what can happen on the road. I'd say we were pretty lucky we didn't have bad problems in the middle of nowhere or lose the brakes altogether!