Country Living Fair South

This adorable fake tractor at a roadside stand was a fun photo op in Southern Indiana! This place had great pumpkins and gourds and the most amazing mums I have ever seen with solid color blooms from end to end!

Here's an early morning shot of my booth on the first day. All stocked up with artgoodies product, vintage housewares, tablecloths, and aprons. Plus a tree lended itself to a mini clothesline!

Well you saw the sneak peak last post and here it is again at the show. I sold tons of great vintage holiday! I'll continue to be on the lookout for more and check out my vintage shop for holiday listings soon!

What can I say, sometimes you get food poisoning or the flu and get sick on the road and you have to make a bed out of a big piece of paper and sleep in the bushes behind a tent for awhile.