artgoodies Studio Tour!

I’ve shown snippets of my studio here and there over the years. Now here’s a closer look into my workspace. I made some changes this Spring adding more shelving and storage, and moved a few things around. I needed to be able to have more artgoodies inventory ready to ship so I had to figure out how to accommodate that. I’d say I’ve just about maxed out my studio. FYI, this is my basement, I love working from home. It doesn’t feel like a basement to me. Welcome to the land of artgoodies.

My workbench. Where I mix ink to print blocks, and some overflow of vintage thread is kept. Fun vintage treasures make for colorful little vignettes.

Here's my press. This is what I print my blocks on and how the designs you see are created. A fun little cut out window with vintage valance and quarky rooster make it more like home. Plus I can see right into the ironing overstock area!

Wall o squillow pillows! My grandma made this shelf back in the day, who knew it would fit so many pillows so well! I had to make an extension to fit more. Cabinets from the original family cottage serve as extra storage and a thrifted recliner gives me a place to rest or work on something comfortably.

Grandma's sewing machine, the one I learned to sew on! Serger, looking into another part of the studio with another sewing machine, vintage thread, another workstation, and printing press area. Plus look at those squillows hiding under the table.

Vintage fabric for miles, work counters, shipping is to the right but I didn't take a pic. Fabric cutting station at back left, and oodles of ready to ship shams!

Another view of the ironing/overstock area. Towels hang above, ready to be ironed and packaged. Plus a vintage iron is the only way to get the job done!

This is my overstock area. Dvd containers serve as the perfectly sized housing for ready to ship towels! Bins are labeled and organized so I can quickly pull orders and also see what I have in stock and what I need to print more of.

Many people have asked me, where on earth do you keep all your vintage goodies that you use for your color of the month? Well, here is a peek into "The Vintage Closet". This is where I keep my rotating selection of vintage from my online vintage shop

There Is 1 Comment

Wow, totally cool look into your creative lair! 🙂

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