Farm Stand Friday and Saturday Salsa

Since I took yesterday off-yes it’s a miracle, I took a day off! I snuck off to the cottage Thursday night and kicked off the weekend with some of my favorite activities. Farmers market, Bonnie Doon’s, stopped at a few sales, and of course my favorite little apple orchard. So, here’s my annual Saturday Salsa post along with my annual apple orchard post!  We grabbed a medium bag of Early Macintosh, Gala and Honeycrisp apples. Great for snacking, pies, and salads! Yum yum yum! And for Saturday Salsa! Mom grew the tomatillos for me in her cottage garden this year. They are outstanding! And there are so many more on the way! The rest of the goodies I got from the South Bend farmers market. I made a caldron of my tomato-less salsa this year.  Stock up time, if you haven’t been to your local farmers market it’s time to get there!

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Looks delicious! 🙂

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