Color of the Month March 2018

March! Spring Fever has officially set in even with the bitz of snow the last couple days. I’m constantly looking at seed catalogs and dreaming of the garden. We picked up some bare root blue hostas and a few seed packets as well. We’ve already done a basic yard cleanup and edged the sidewalk and curb out front so once it gets a little warmer we’ll easily be able to rake the leaves protecting the fresh sprouts and off it will go. We’ve got a plan for making the strip between the sidewalk and street grass free and look forward to making a new green space there. We’ve been dreaming up some other projects as well and are researching here and there. So, this month, ode to green in thinking about green sprouts and gardeny goodness with a splash of St. Paddy’s in there. Enjoy!

Fave vintage: depression glass cups, cut glass green juice glasses, fun mugs, and a little tea canister, anchored by a vintage pale green edge napkin. All available in shop, except the juice glasses!

Fave vintage: ivy tablecloth, green striped napkins used as placemats, plaid napkins, dogwood and church steeple glasses that remind me rummage season is almost here! Green melmac dishes, jadite plate, green jar, the addition of lovely flowers including a cabbage that feels very St Patrick’s day, and last but certainly not least, an artgoodies organic cotton nest tea towel. Bring on the spring green!