Front Garden Time!
We love gardening together and we’ve been working on going grass free, basically we have just one patch in the back left. This year in the front we tore out the grass between the road and sidewalk and got a couple car loads of free bricks from a place that was the original dairy in our neighborhood, so cool! We dug out and made square sections in that area and then planted creeping thyme in between. And if you recall, we dug out almost all the grass in front last year and split and planted even more perennials including some white hydrangeas. The front has just taken off and everything is so happy and healthy! We’re going to rip out the bottom strip of grass and finish with more rocks and plants to help hold the slope in. We’re loving all the color and bird, bee, butterfly friendly plants! Plus I got a super cute love seat for the outside front porch and used a small hamper for a mini table which turns the space into another small outdoor room. Great for rainy day coffee outside!