Color of the Month March 2016!

March! Yes! Getting close to Spring and green and gardens and plants, my fave! I got a nice dose of Spring while I was out in Seattle. I also got a nice dose of seasonal allergies there at the end of my trip which I was mindful to just embrace while I enjoying the daffodils, crocuses, gorgeous blooming camellias, and other amazing flowering plants and bushes that really popped. Plus, I find that having a dose of pollen from a trip pre at home allergy season helps in an immense way, so I should be all set this year! Anyway, ode to all things green with this color of the month. A bit of a dingier green mix, the kind that starts to surface from the grungy muck of post winter.
blog march vignette

Fave vintage: melmac cups, kitschy snake mug, toy cups, lamp salt and p’s, McCoy pot, Fire King bowls, Hollywood Extra cold cream jar, and MI Mackinac Bridge glasses, anchored on a pretty springy floral napkin.

blog march table setting

Fave Vintage: Bold tablecloth, daffodil tray, melmac, and pale stripe napkins.Thinking Spring over here! Just a few pieces this month make a stellar statement! And the tablecloth is a round one I tucked, the magic of styling and cropping 🙂

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Color of the Month February 2016

Jumping right into February! Slowly creeping closer to Spring, my favorite. Here’s some perky pink to help guide you through this drab month by adding a little extra bit of color. Wherever you are, I hope you’re getting more sunshine than we are here in MI, blah. I’m feeling a bit under the weather as I write this so…extra blah. Cabin fever is setting in and it’s waivering between 99.1 and 101.6 degrees. I think I’m on the mend, but seriously, I could use some real vitamin D from that thing we call THE SUN.
blog feb 2016 vignette

Fave vintage: salmony pink laundry sprinkler lady, fire king custard cups, raffiaware mugs (already sold), McCoy bowl-part of a set, Pyrex loaf pan, Miami salt and p’s, anchored by a pink crochet edged runner. Most of this and more, as usual, in the vintage shop, except my pink sprinkler lady, that weird collection is mine all mine 🙂

blog feb 2016 table setting

Fave vintage: gorgeous vintage tablecloth, I love tablecloths with either gray or this yellowy limey color that looks fresh with my walls. Pink melmac platter under another McCoy bowl from the mixing set, raffiaware tumblers, matching Fire King saucers (to the custard cups), gorgeous pink rose bowls, and oh so lovely pink squiggle napkins. I should have thrown in a pink artgoodies cupcake tea towel! Also, I want to mention, check the vintage shop if you see something you like, many times I’m setting a table for 2 but have pieces for 4 or six or more!

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Color of the Month January 2016!

Hello New Year! I was working on another project which slightly delayed my color of the month post but here it is in its sunshiney glory. I think warm sunny yellow seems like a bright way to start off the New Year! As usual I have an optimistic list of ideas, dreams, and things to do in 2016.

Keeping it simple in the vignette this month. Fave vintage: 2 little planters, cute little horse one huh? melmac cups, straw raffia mugs, plastic pig bank, and flower linen. As a little reminder you can purchase most of the items in my color of the month posts in my vintage shop right here!


Fave vintage: melmac as usual 3 different styles this time, Pyrex carafe, tray, McCoy bowl, straw weave tumblers, gorgeous metal tray with gold edge, cute plaid napkins, all grounded by a new to me vintage tablecloth I just thrifted. Yay for yellow!


Sometimes when you take down your holiday decor, especially when it’s an entire wall display, your house feels bare. The poinsettias really help fill the void and I get to enjoy them a little longer. I just love how they blend in and complete the look in vintage bamboo style ceramic planters I already have. I adore how this room came together.  

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Color of the Month November 2015

And suddenly, just like that, it’s November! I’m busy working on some new products and projects, more on those soon. Plus holiday prep continues! For now, let’s get right to the festive fall color of the month!
blog nov vignette

Fave vintage: 2 different recipe boxes, peach straw weave bowls, duck glasses, gurley turkey candle, juice glasses, and embroidered linen

blog color of the table setting

Fave vintage: bold striped vintage tablecloth, melmac plates, gold leaf Libbey glasses, orange juice glasses, gourd and feather centerpiece. I’ve been holding onto this huge striped tablecloth for awhile, what a great colorful statement piece. The gourds are from my tiny friend Tyler’s pumpkin patch and the feathers from my brother’s farm!

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Color of the Month October 2015!

October. My all time favorite seasons are coming to an end and the busy season is starting up and the chill is beginning to edge in a bit. Honestly, this time of year always makes me feel a little blue as gardens wane and leaves fall. There’s nothing like the growth,green, flowers, color, sunshine, and warm fresh air of spring and summer to feed my soul and make me feel whole. I’m still taking advantage of those beautiful days outside, even though I slipped into a pair of boots for the first time last week, NO! You know how much I hate socks and wish I could just run around barefoot in flip flops all year long! It’s a season of change, and this year I’m seeing some extra things happen around me with the people I love. Some wonderful things are happening that are exciting and then there are some things happening that are hard and are just breaking my heart as their season brings big change. Life, like the natural world, has so many seasons. And so, color of the month October 2015 seems ever so fitting as blue.
oct 2015 vignette

Color of the Month October 2015! Fave Vintage: blue speckled Ransburg canister set, assorted awesome glassware, super old chalk tin, owl home saying spoon rest, Pyrex in the horizon pattern from my own personal mixing bowl set.

Oct 2015 table setting

Color of the Month Oct 2015 table setting! Fave items: the awesome oak tablecloth, a great twist of color to the season! Melmac plates with saucers for a pop of color, ombre cocktail glasses, milk glass mugs, blue stripe napkins, and my usual twin star silverware by Oneida.

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