NEW pillows!

2 more NEW pillows! These NEW sturdy and stylish pillows are made from my exclusive artgoodies designer cotton twill fabric and gray canvas backs. Don’t these just scream summer! I can see them on a sunny porch, sipping some lemonade, and enjoying the breeze. Doesn’t that sound amazing! Temps are finally above the frigid freezing cold mark here in MI and it feels downright balmy! Check out all the NEW pillows here! blog cherry pillowblog swallowtailcut - Copy        
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Color of the Month!

  • Orange you glad it’s almost Spring! I know I am! Daylight savings is just around the corner but it’s hard to believe as the snow and cold linger on. Give me sunshine, fresh air, plants, gardening, the farmers market, and rummage sales! It’s pretty obvious that I need color in my life and the gray  days, white snow, and stick trees aren’t cutting it. With that I give you March’s color of the month. Mostly orange with a little help from some cheery yellow and green friends.

Fave vintage items: striped mugs, tea towel, juice glasses, orange bowl, Gurley candles

3-15 table blog

Fave vintage items: melmac plates, juice glasses, mugs, tablecloth, napkins, souvenir FL bowl


More NEW throw pillows!

If you’re a friend or a fan you probably already know how much I love a beach vacation. The kind that involves meandering around state parks, antique shops, and investigating shells and all the amazing creatures that wash up on shore. I’ve explored hundreds of miles of coastline, particularly in Florida. The only area that I really haven’t been to is The Everglades National Park. Yep, that’s a lot of Florida coast. Sanibel Island still remains one of my favorite places. The beaches look like dump trucks backed up and poured out shells there are so many. And the Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge is an extraordinary place to do some bird watching. I pretty much wish I was there right now freeing myself from this frigid cold. Anyway, I created some shell tea towels last year in honor of these times, and once again I felt compelled to bring you another beachy nautical product with a couple of these NEW 16×16 pillows! Available here in coastal coral and nautical navy! Perfect for your home, cottage, or if you’re just feeling shell-shocked by the brutally cold winter like me. blog 16x16 coral shells blog 16x16 navy shells blog 1616 stacked shells  
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Local Love

It’s nice to get some local press! Check out artgoodies all over pattern organic heart tea towel in MI’s Revue Magazine, page 44, February Issue. review mag 2-9            
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Color of the Month February 2015!

February?!  Wow, ok, so 2015 is already off to a quick start. I’ve been trying to pace myself with work which is really hard for me to do. However, the lack of sunshine helps when it comes to lounging about working on new products (more coming soon) and napping. I think I’m caught up on my sleep from the busy holiday, finally. Speaking of sunshine, yellow seemed like the most appropriate color during this gray blah thing we call winter. Here it is, color of the month February 2015!
blog yellow 2-15

Fave vintage items: chalkware chick, yellow glitter mugs, fired on yellow cups n saucers, scalloped planter, candy tin, and cute napkin. Cups n chick for sale in my vintagegoodies etsy shop!

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Fave vintage items: vintage tablecloth topper, melmac plates, fired on glass cups n saucers, yellow scallop napkins, and cottage rose glasses.

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NEW designs!

I think a lot about the idea of home.  There are so many ideas and thoughts and behaviors surrounding each “home”, I could go on for days. Instead of rambling about all that, I offer you artgoodies Brand NEW house tea towel! Plus, my green thumb has been twiddling away waiting for this new plant design. I once heard you should never trust a person who doesn’t have any houseplants, ponder that. blog square houseblog square plant  
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2015 PRESS Alert!

The first magazine press of the new year is rolling in! It’s such an honor to be recognized continually for my work, thank you-thank you-THANK YOU!! Check out my artgoodies pie stuffie mini pillow on page 50 of Romantic Homes Magazine Southern Issue March 2015! romantic homes press small
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Color of the Month January 2015!

And…breaks over! I always find it a little disorienting to get back to work after the hustle bustle of the season and then a holiday break. Getting back to the studio and work schedule after being away takes a little easing into.
blog blue

Fave vintage items: melmac, blue Japan snowman, snowflake Pyrex, small butterprint Pyrex, and darling little edged napkin.

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Fantastic vintage melmac sets the stage for a great little table setting! Small sweet vintage tablecloth and matching napkins have great details! A crisp and clean way to start the year!


Home for the Holidaze part 2

Here’s the deal. I’m in a holidaze. I’ve been busting butt over at artgoodies and vintagegoodies HQ. You know those elves that Santa has working for him, yeah, like everyone else he outsourced from the North Pole. So, now I’m down in my studio, waking up in the middle of the night, and then again at 4:30 and 5 am navigating all the wonders of the online world so you can have a nice holiday and get all your goodies on time. As usual, doing all this while attending and throwing holiday parties and trying to spend time with family and friends. While I’m SO thankful for all you lovely customers, I’m ready for a break, you have no idea how much I’m looking forward to the New Year!  
church blog

I snapped up a new vintage music box from Japan a few weeks back. It plays Silent Night, which I pretty much can’t listen to without crying because I can still hear my grandma singing it. I can’t help it, I’m sentimental, and I miss her so.

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I love the weird white round headed reindeer! Plus these weird little blue trees from Japan are amazing. The fruit bottle brush tree makes a nice centerpiece and those 2 silver reindeer are available in my vintage shop! I also added some giant snowflake-esque doilies to this vignette.

deer blog

I know, I know, I have the market on colored reindeer cornered, which is why you can buy a yellow one in my vintage shop! Maybe maybe I’ll sell an orange one…nah, maybe next year!


UK Press!

Check out my artgoodies organic cherry tea towel in issue 14, page 106, of Love Patchwork Quilting Magazine out of the UK!  A perfect little feature within this red monochromatic color study, my favorite! Thanks! cherry towel UK love patchwork quilting
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