Here’s the deal. I’m in a holidaze. I’ve been busting butt over at artgoodies and vintagegoodies HQ. You know those elves that Santa has working for him, yeah, like everyone else he outsourced from the North Pole. So, now I’m down in my studio, waking up in the middle of the night, and then again at 4:30 and 5 am navigating all the wonders of the online world so you can have a nice holiday and get all your goodies on time. As usual, doing all this while attending and throwing holiday parties and trying to spend time with family and friends. While I’m SO thankful for all you lovely customers, I’m ready for a break, you have no idea how much I’m looking forward to the New Year!

I snapped up a new vintage music box from Japan a few weeks back. It plays Silent Night, which I pretty much can’t listen to without crying because I can still hear my grandma singing it. I can’t help it, I’m sentimental, and I miss her so.

I love the weird white round headed reindeer! Plus these weird little blue trees from Japan are amazing. The fruit bottle brush tree makes a nice centerpiece and those 2 silver reindeer are available in my vintage shop! I also added some giant snowflake-esque doilies to this vignette.

I know, I know, I have the market on colored reindeer cornered, which is why you can buy a yellow one in my vintage shop! Maybe maybe I’ll sell an orange one…nah, maybe next year!